We all deserve relationships based on trust, honesty, and respect. But, navigating relationships or helping those we care about to feel safe and supported can be confusing. These resources and materials provide helpful information for understanding healthy, unhealthy or abusive relationships and seeking safety and support for ourselves or for others.
Safety Planning
Find Help Now hotlines and chat links
Get help and support 24/7. These local and national resources are staffed by trained advocates who can provide support for talking through your situation, helping to understand your safety concerns, and identifying resources and services that may be available for additional support.
Safe + Respectful Shoe Card for teens
This resource card is a printable version of the information and resources contained on the Find Help Now page. The card is sized to be small enough to be easily hidden away. Printed cards are available from DCADV.
LGBTQ+ Palm Card
This palm card contains information and resources for Delaware’s LGBTQ+ community. The card is sized to be small enough to be easily hidden away. Printed cards are available from DCADV.
Teen Safety Planning Guide
loveisrespect online Safety Planning Tool
A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that can help you avoid dangerous situations and know the best way to react when you’re in danger. This is an interactive online version of loveisrespect’s teen safety planning tool.
myPlan App
Everyone deserves to be safe in their intimate relationship, and every situation is unique. myPlan is a digital tool to help with safety decisions if you, or someone you care about, is experiencing abuse in their intimate relationship.
Healthy Relationships
Loveisrespect strives to be a safe, inclusive space for young people to access information and get help in an environment that is designed specifically for them. Their website provides comprehensive education on healthy, unhealthy and abusive dating relationships and behaviors.
Age of Consent Flowchart
Relationship Rights
This document, developed by loveisrespect, outlines fundamental rights we all have in our relationships. These rights can help to establish boundaries and expectations that should be respected by both partners in healthy relationships
IDSVA Center for Healthy Teen Relationships
Healthy Relationships Quiz
This brief quiz helps to uncover whether or not there may be signs a relationship is unhealthy. Courtesy of loveisrespect.org
Relationship Spectrum
Developed by loveisrespect, this document illustrates relationship characteristics along a continuum from healthy to unhealthy to abusive.
Power and Control Wheel for Teens
The teen power and control wheel contains common tactics used in abusive relationships. The wheel often helps individuals experiencing dating violence recognize the abuse in their relationship.
Equality Wheel for Teens
The teen equality wheel illustrates characteristics of healthy, equitable relationships.
Break the Cycle is a national organization that provides resources and information to support young people 12 – 24 to build healthy relationships and create a culture without abuse.
Tech Safety
If you are being stalked or abused, take steps to keep your abuser from knowing you are looking for help. We’ve compiled a guide for teens to searching, browsing and connecting safely.
Love Is Respect.org Social Networking Safety
Tech Safety.org
Helping Others
Get Help for Someone Else
This link will take you to loveisrespect’s information and resources for those seeking to provide teens with help and support: as a friend, family member or other caring adult.
Resources for Helping A Friend
Check out these resources from Love Is Respect.org for helping a friend who may be experience violence in their relationship.
Teen Safe Person/Safe Space Card
This card contains resource information for teens and also serve as a visual cue that you and/or your organization are a safe source for help and support.
LGBTQ+ Safe Person/Safe Space Card
This card contains resource information for the LGBTQ+ community and also serve as a visual cue that you and/or your organization are a safe source for help and support.
Teen Dating Violence Resource List
DCADV has compiled a list of awareness campaigns, toolkits, activities, and other resources for anyone working to promote healthy relationships among tweens/teens/young adults.
loveisrespect Parent Palm Card
This downloadable card provides information and tips for parents on talking to their teen about safe, healthy relationships.
Resources for Parents
loveisrespect has a number of resources for parents looking for information and support for helping their child.
Understanding Statutory Rape Laws in Delaware
This brochure provides information on statutory rape and consent laws in Delaware.
Schools + Organizations
Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Tips for Schools
This tipsheet provides information for school personnel on utilizing Hanging Out or Hooking Up safety cards with students.
Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Training Guide
This training guide provides information on how organizations can integrate the Hanging Out or Hooking Up card-based dating violence intervention into their teen services.
Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Safety Card
This downloadable safety card is an evidence-based tool for practitioners to engage teens in dating violence education and screening. Printed cards are available from DCADV.
Delaware Healthy Relationships Curriculum
This prevention curriculum with sequential units of instruction for middle school and high school contains lessons and activities for building teens’ awareness and understanding of respect and healthy relationships.
Love Is Respect Educator Toolkit - Middle School
loveisrespect developed this toolkit for middle school educators educators who want to lead discussions and activities in their schools on dating violence and healthy relationships.
Love Is Respect Educator Toolkit - High School
loveisrespect developed this toolkit for high school educators who want to lead discussions and activities in their schools on dating violence and healthy relationships.
Find Help Now
Helping Others
Are you a teacher, parent, coach, counselor or other caring adult looking to help a teen in your life? Explore our list of resources and materials.
Need more info?
We're here to help answer questions or provide additional resources if needed.